Today’s Prayer

My Lord and my God, I cry out to You from the depths of my brokenness because restoration is Your victory. Jesus, You have pierced death’s shadow with the light of life. You have come to impart fullness to my empty soul -scarred by sin, shattered by lies. Grant me strength to strive for the freedom You offer me. My own folly has too long obscured the shining glory of truth beneath the darkened clouds of selfish desire. The tempest of confusion and temptation the enemy swirls around me obstructs my view of the Way. There is no fair weather within me, Lord, for I am under a constant barrage of destructive forces. Come, Lord Jesus, and quiet the storm as only You can. Turn me from the wrong path as You calm the waves of selfishness within me. I bow before You, my Savior, my King, who has blotted out the mischievous nature within me. Let my soul be forever grateful for the transaction upon the cross where You offered to purchase me as Your very own, where You dissolved the clouds of my iniquity and brought me to the shelter of eternal grace. In this, my heart rejoices in gratitude for the ministry of reconciliation that renders the storm within me to cease and be still. Under the Word of truth in Mark 4:39 and the blessed authority of Christ, I pray.

When Jesus woke up, He rebuked the wind and said to the waves,
“Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm.
Mark 4:39, NLT

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