Today’s Prayer

Holy is the Lord God Almighty. Great praise is worthy of the Name of the Lord. Father, grant me a spirit of generosity that reflects, even in the smallest measure, the goodness of Your heart. No single person can out-give God, but let my heart abandon itself to reflection within such a ministry. Lord, unwrap my fingers when they are tightly bound to worldly things which will soon pass away. Rather, let me store up my treasures in heaven, knowing that no thing I cling to here on earth will last forever. Yet, let me not squander the blessings with which You have generously supplied me. I give thanks for all that I have because it comes from Your hand. Father, make me a good steward of that which has been entrusted to me. Remind me when I forget that all my riches are in You, Jesus. The greatest treasure is Your Spirit indwelling, guiding, comforting and teaching me. Truly, Lord, You have given me far more than I deserve. Make me a giver that devotedly reflects Your own heart and daily gives thanks for every opportunity to let go of this world and cling tightly to Your Kingdom. Under the mighty Word of truth given in Psalm 145:1-3 and the authority of Christ Jesus, I bow in prayer.

I will exalt you, my God the King;
    I will praise Your Name for ever and ever.
Every day I will praise You
    and extol Your Name for ever and ever.
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
    His greatness no one can fathom.
Psalm 145:1-3, NIV


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