Today’s Prayer

My God, I fall on my knees in sweet adoration because You are worthy. High above the manger of this earthly existence shines a star that grants me light enough to see the eternal landscape stretched out before me in faith. Forgive my perpetual tendency to fix my gaze on the darkness which elicits fear that undermines the greatest gift ever given. Help me forget the heavy weight of my iniquity so that I can look up to follow the celestial beams which bathe history’s landscape in glorious hope. Jesus, my blessed Savior, You were born to die so that I could live. Through Your horrendous death my sin was vanquished. Through Your resurrection power a new way was born upon the dead-end path of my life’s trajectory before You found my wayward soul. Thank You, Lord, for such blessed reconciliation. Thank You for such a majestic invitation. Help me believe, Lord. Enable me to trust while rejoicing and adore You while worshipping. God Almighty accept the tender reverence of my tainted heart. I bring no riches of gold, frankincense or myrrh. Instead, I lay before Your throne the manger of my dirty heart now cleansed in repentant love for You. Fill me with the Living Water of Christ until it overflows in blessing to others. I bow in faith Lord, letting the sweet tears of hope filter the light of Your glory in a kaleidoscope of eternal beauty that eclipses the shifting shadows of this world. Under the mighty Word of truth in John 16:33 and the authority of Christ I pray.

I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace.
You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.
John 16:33, ASB

One comment

  1. Instead, I lay before Your throne the manger of my dirty heart now cleansed in repentant love for You. Fill me with the Living Water of Christ until it overflows in blessing to others–Amen!

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